5 Steps to be a millionaire "The laws of money"

Money has laws and if the laws are followed correctly, Your relationship with money will be improved being wealthy starts all on the mind, Developing a wealthy mindset will make you a millionaire they are steps that are followed to make you a millionaire which are:

1.  Start acting like a millionaire talk the talk and dress like one, do things that millionaires do get into the habits that will make you a millionaire as they say fake it till you make it by doing this you are practicing on how to be a millionaire. 

2. Sorround yourself with millionaires, you are who you hang out with, sorround yourself and befriend millionaires learn their habits ask them questions on how they got to be millionaires ask for tips and learn from them.

3. Wake up early, millionaires wake up early to plan and start up they day. They get busy and activate their mind they read educational books.

4.   Look for something that will generate you money eg start a business and work hard in doing something that will generate you income.

5. Start saving and investing, save 10 percent of money you get from your income every month and invest in something that will generate money for you eg property and businesses. 


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