
Showing posts from April, 2019

The journey to success

Success is a journey and in that journey we face trails,challenges and failure. No matter what challenges you face in life never give up on your goals and dreams. The secrets to success is prayer,hardworking and not giving up in whatever you are facing.the journey to success is a process and in that process you take steps.

The Battle of faith and fear

Hebrews 11 now is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. The law of attraction states that u attract what u think and fear of. If you think of positive things and feel positive things then they will come to you and happen, same applies to the negative. Fear attracts the devil and you cannot please God without faith . A prayer without faith is nothing. If u have faith like a musdard seed u can move mountains. Your faith can move and change situations in your life. Have more faith and less fear.

The effect of abuse on women

The graveyards are full of women who had the mentality of "He will change" the truth is that he will not change once he start he won't end and he will always do it again.women have a bad habit of being emotional attached to men that abuse them and hurt them. Abuse is not only physical but it can be emotional too.emotional abuse is the misuse of  words,bad treatment,verbal abuse,silent treatment and being told hurtful words Psychologists have proven that emotional abuse have more effect then physical abuse. It causes low self esteem and deppression and women who go through abuse should seek counseling. It seems like its always a problem for womem to leave an abusive relationship and most of them end up being killed by men.

Success has no age limit

Society has put pressure on us that we must be successful at a certain age and if we don't achieve something by the age of 25 or 30 it's too late for us well this is not true. Achieve something at certain age having a job at a certain age,having a child at a certain age,completing a degree at a certain age. Its never too late to start all over as long as you are breathing then you still have a chance your  goals and dreams don't let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your goals. Life is a journey and we all have our lanes own lanes to walk on.never go anywhere in life.

Is it about the religion or the relationship?

Christianity People confuse being religious and having a relationship with God.just because you go to church every Sunday and serve at church means you have a good relationship with God. There is a big difference between religion and relationship. Religion is about rules and regulations that should be followed for a certain religion it could be dressing in a certain way,talking in a certain way,eating certain food,going to Church every Sunday,practicing the 10 commandments. In relationships and friendships people communicate with each other this is how our relationship with God should be. We build a relationship with God by reading his word through the bible,praying and fasting. This is how we connect with God and also listen to him when he speaks with us .prayer is a form of communication with God.there's no relationship without communication same with God there's no relationship without prayer. Christianity is about having a relationship with God and his son Jesus Christ...